Hey There.
I'm Ahmed

I’am a Software Developer

I can help you build a product , feature or website Look through some of my work and experience! If you like what you see and have a project you need coded, don’t hestiate to contact me.

My Recent Works

Resturant Project

Multi-Post Stories

A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required. has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a standard dummy text.

  • css
  • html
  • bootstrap
  • Ruby

Anmies Facts App
Display Animes

"Anmies Facts" is a SPA to show Anmies and retrieve information about each one of them.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Rect-Bootstrap
  • AnimeFacts-RestApi

Book Store
Display,Store Books

This project consists in making Book-Store using React.js

  • React
  • Redux
  • Axios
  • Css
  • BookStore-RestApi

Calculator App

This project consist in making Calculator using React.js

  • html
  • bootstrap
  • Ruby

Grannys Recipe
Team project

In this project user can register, make his food list, make desired recipes, get his shopping list with recipe food items and total price

  • Ruby
  • Ruby On Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Css

Blog App

I am trying to work on a blog app that gives users the ability to have an account and begin to publish their ideas besides interacting with other users through likes and comments.

  • Ruby
  • Ruby On Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Bootstrap

Profesional Art
Printing Data

A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required. has been the industry's standard

  • html
  • bootstrap
  • Ruby

About Me

Hello I’m a software developer! I can help you build a product , feature or website Look through some of my work and experience! If you like what you see and have a project you need coded, don’t hestiate to contact me.